our services

to book your 20 minute consultation

What we do

We can help you at every stage of your project and will usually quote fixed prices for each stage, up to the start of building work. Building projects are uncertain so services are quoted for each stage without the need to comit for the whole job. For a short guide to how to go about a construction project and the roles of an architect please see our Help page

Briefing: what is your project?

For smaller works, understanding what you want and assessing the site and other critical factors may be dealt with in our first consultation and meeting. For more complex situations, a fuller briefing and feasibility stage may be needed, and we would quote a fixed fee for this. We cam offer general advice as part of a first, free consultation.

Low-energy Retrofit

We can advise on how to realise your ambitions for energy saving an a low-carbon future, making these integral to a design.

Up to making a Planning Application.

Once the objectives, constraints, budget etc. are understood, design can begin. This starts with a measured survey and drawing/modelling what is already there. Options can then be explored and the brief developed. Consideration of structure, drainage, and so on come into play. At the end of this, the design will be ready for a planning and/or listed building application (if needed).

After Planning Permission: Technical Design etc.

After receiving planning permission, technical design follows, for compliance with building regulations. If wanted, further detailed design, specifications and schedules can be prepared for obtaining comparable, competitive prices from builders.

Construction Stage etc.

You may choose to deal directly with the builder during construction. Or, we can act as ‘contract administrator’, checking the works as they go along, certifying payments to the builder and certifying completion. Then, after completion, dealing with snags and signing-off the final payments. We charge on a time basis duing the construction and post-completion stages.

Project Stages

The project stages, and our services, are based on the industry-standard ‘plan of works’ and on standard RIBA services contracts. The RIBA Plan of Works is an industry-standard system for organising construction projects, with seven workstages. The Plan of Works helps to maintain control of quality, costs and time, while keeping the project objectives in focus. An explanation by The RIBA can be viewed here. Our services are based on this system, with the stages often compressed to four steps for many domestic projects. However, you may not want or need an architect for every one of these stages, and our services for each stage are offered as a separate, discrete package.